Rad Reading – November

I just finished The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and I really enjoyed it. The Lighting Thief starts in New York where it is told in 1st person perspective by the main character Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson eventually finds out that he is the son of the Greek god Poseidon. He eventually has to do a quest to save the world from war among the Greek gods. I enjoyed this book because it was full of action and fun so I was always interested when reading it. My favorite character was Grover Percy’s best friend. I like Grover because he is kind to everyone, even animals. A quote to show this is when they sneak onto a animal shipping truck. All of the animals were very poorly fed and kept care of “‘This is kindness?’ Grover yelled. ‘Humane zoo transport?’ He probably would’ve gone right back outside to beat up the truckers with his reed pipes…” This shows that he is kind because when the animals were being treated bad he was instantly outraged and it took a lot of self control to not attack the drivers.

My favorite quote from the book is “I asked Argus to take me down to cabin three, so I could pack my bags for home.” This is my favorite quote because Percy Jackson had a very big decision for a lot of the book so there was a lot of build up.

My Three Thankful Thoughts

I have a lot of things that I am thankful for but if I were to choose my top 3 things that I am thankful for, it would be my family, my house, and food. First of all, I am thankful for my family. My family is very nice. My brothers help me out with things such as sports, working out, and building things. I am thankful for my sister because she is very nice and drives me around to places that I need to go, especially school on rainy days. I am thankful for my parents because they both work very hard to provide food and resources for the family. Secondly, I am thankful for my house. My first reason that I’m thankful for my house is all of the memories inside of it. Especially on Christmas Day when we open up our presents. Another reason I am thankful for my house is because it gives me shelter. I cannot count the times that my house has protected me from thunderstorms and windy days. My house protects me and my family from dangerous things. My final thing that I am thankful for is food. Food is not only necessary to survive, but it also helps yourself and other’s morale. Every heard of the term hangry? It means that someone is angry because they haven’t eaten enough food. This phrase proves alone that the amount of food a person has affects morale. Food is not only affective on morale, it is also is fun to make. Making food also helps stress and is very relaxing.

My 3 Wishes

If a genie were to grant me three wishes, I would wish for these three things. The first thing I would wish for would be for engines to emit oxygen instead of carbon dioxide. I would do this because then it would prevent excess carbon dioxide to be emitted. That would stop a lot of carbon dioxide from going in our atmosphere and warming the earth. It would also make the air in highly populated areas like LA a lot more fresh. The second thing I would wish for is for the genie to create a thing to replace plastic that is biodegradable and as easy to make as plastic. I would wish for this because it would stop almost all of the plastic pollution. It would also help the climate. Finally, for my third wish, I would ask the genie to be free. I would do this since the genie is probably very wise since he would be an immortal creature. This means that he could teach the world a lot of lessons. So in conclusion, if I had 3 wishes from a genie, I would make engines emit oxygen, make a biodegradable substitute for plastic, and I would set him free.

Rad Reading – October

Over the course of October, I have read the book When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. When You Reach Me is a novel starring a girl named Miranda. She is 12 years old and lives in an apartment in New York. She walks to school with her neighbor Sal. One day, everything changed when a strange boy named Marcus punched Sal in the stomach. Miranda goes through a big journey of acceptance, work, and friendship. My favorite part about the book was all of the friendships that were made. At the start of the book Miranda only had one best friend. At the end she had 6 good friends. My favorite character was Sal. I liked Sal because me and him have a lot of similarities. Such as his determination. A quote to show that he is determined is when Miranda would see him practicing basketball. Miranda thinks “I tried not to wonder what Sal would be doing. I figured he’d be playing basketball right up until the first big snow.” This demonstrates Sal’s determination because it shows how Sal is determined to practice basketball and cold won’t stop him until it is impossible to practice.

My favorite quote from the book is when Miranda finally figures out all of the strange things that happened throughout the story. It says “And finally—finally!—I understood.” This my favorite quote since from the beginning to the end of the story there were a lot of things that didn’t make sense. Like who was leaving notes to her, who the “Laughing Man” is, and why Marcus had punched Sal. It was nice to figure out why all of the strange things had happened.